
Can a DUI Affect Child Custody Decisions?

In Colorado, driving under the influence can lead to several different consequences, ranging from hefty fines and court-ordered rehabilitation to jail time and limits on or the complete loss of driving privileges. A DUI can also damage a person’s reputation, limit employment opportunities, and even affect a parent’s child custody...
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Splitting a 401(k) in a Colorado Divorce

A 401(k) plan is one of the most common retirement plans offered by private employers. When dividing a 401(k) plan during a divorce, it must first be determined whether the account is marital property. Any 401(k) funds accrued throughout the marriage are deemed marital property, and so these will be...
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Pregnancy and Colorado Divorce

When a couple undergoes a divorce during a pregnancy, there are several questions that may arise. For instance, a divorce during pregnancy might raise concerns about legal paternity, which is a requirement for a father to have visitation rights, child support obligations, and custody. Paternity While it is completely possible...
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6 Mistakes to Avoid in a High Net Worth Divorce

Divorces are rarely pleasant or easy. High net worth divorces or high asset divorces are particularly complex, as a large amount of assets, businesses, money, property and other items are at stake. As a result, spouses often have additional considerations when it comes to spousal maintenance and property division. When...
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Do I Still Have to Pay Alimony If I Become Unemployed?

A married couple typically combines their assets and becomes accustomed to a certain standard of living. If the couple divorces later on, then the financial lifestyle they have enjoyed becomes at risk. This is particularly true in cases where there is a large discrepancy in income between two working spouses,...
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Does a Stepparent Have Any Legal Rights?

There are numerous reasons why as a stepparent, you may seek to obtain visitation rights or even custody of a child. Perhaps you are a child’s primary caregiver and the other parent is absent, or maybe you have a strong relationship with a child and are unable to spend as...
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Social Security – Understanding Rules for Ex-Spouses

While a spouse may either be currently married or formerly married, Social Security only cares that the marriage was a long-term relationship. Social Security has always given both spouses and ex-spouses the claiming right to retirement benefits. If you are divorced, you may still be entitled to claim a higher...
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How to Deal with False Allegations of Child Abuse

Falsely accusing a former spouse of abuse has become an increasingly common tactic in family courts over the last few years—particularly in highly contested divorce and custody cases. However, not all of these reports are substantiated. While many of the individuals who deny child abuse are guilty, there are many...
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How Can I File for Divorce If My Spouse is Missing?

Many married couples file for divorce once they feel the marriage will no longer work. Other couples, on the other hand, opt to abandon the marriage or separate indefinitely. Though not very common, it is possible for some couples to separate and lose contact over time without a divorce case...
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