
What Is Parental Alienation Syndrome?

Is your ex-spouse turning your children against you? It’s a common worry, warranted or not. Many parents suffer with the thought that the other parent is saying bad things about them perhaps even blaming them for the divorce. This condition is so common that its been studied and given a name. Parental...
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5 Financial Mistakes to Avoid In a Colorado Divorce

Don’t let divorce be ruinous to your financial health. As you go through the dissolution process, you’ll come across many decisions that strike at your financial security. Be careful, the emotional roller coaster of divorce may keep you from clearly thinking about the financial consequences these decisions may have on you...
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Will My Colorado Spouse Pay Me Alimony?

In a divorce, a Colorado court may order the more well-to-do spouse to pay the dependent spouse alimony. This monetary support is also known as maintenance or spousal support. Whatever you call these payments, there are things you should know. In the past, Colorado courts were granted wide discretion when...
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What is Virtual Visitation in Colorado?

Virtual visitation may help non-custodial parents spend more time with their kids. It’s a new solution to an old problem. Previously, a spouse who didn’t have primary custody of the children would have to live close to them or risk losing time with them. Living close by sometimes meant quitting...
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Getting a Prenuptial Agreement in Colorado: Pros and Cons

A prenuptial agreement is a legal document a couple voluntarily enters into before marriage. It describes in detail the financial and property arrangements that will exist between the spouses. It details, too, other matters pertaining to the couple, and spells out what happens to their assets should the marriage end in...
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Moving out of Colorado With The Children

Moving is a predicament many people with children face. For various reasons, a divorced or unmarried Colorado parent may find they need to move out-of-state. Or they may wish to relocate somewhere significantly further from the other parent than that agreed to in their initial parenting plan. Once child custody...
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Is Infidelity Relevant in A Colorado Divorce?

 Infidelity is a leading cause in many failed marriages across the United States. While infidelity is a terrible thing for a spouse to do, especially when children are part of the marriage, the stark reality in Colorado divorce law is that adultery does not matter to the courts. Colorado is...
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Six Good Ways To Protect Yourself During A Divorce

There are steps you can take to protect yourself when it comes to divorce. When you first learn your spouse plans to or has already filed divorce papers, you may either have thought it was possible or find yourself completely taken by surprise. Coping with a divorce in Colorado may...
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Division of Property in a Colorado Divorce

When it comes to divorce in Colorado, it’s the family law court judge who divides marital property and assigns responsibility for debts sustained during the marriage. In the case of dividing property, the court categorizes them as either marital or separate, fixes a monetary value to each asset or property,...
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Are There Tax Implications In My Colorado Divorce?

Will There Be Tax Implications In My Colorado Divorce? A Colorado dissolution will change your life in a number of ways. Anything having to do with money is something to watch out for. Financial changes such as spousal maintenance, child support, and division of property are important things to remember....
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