
Frequently Asked Questions on Protection Orders

  What is a protection order? In Colorado, a protection order—also referred to as a protective order or restraining order—is an order enacted to protect a person believed to be in danger of being harmed by a specific individual. What can a protection order do? A protective order generally prohibits...
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When Can Child Support Modifications Be Made?

Colorado courts follow a standard formula to determine the amount of child support to be paid. This formula typically takes into account factors such as the gross income of both parents, the cost of providing healthcare, and any spousal support you pay or receive. The costs of raising the child...
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Exactly What is Retroactive Child Support?

Retroactive child support permits a court to order support for an earlier time, back when no order yet existed. These support payments primary purpose is to do one of two things. To either make up unpaid past support or to pay for support needed before the court adjudicated an order....
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What to Do After Being Served Divorce Papers

Steps to Take After Divorce Papers Have Been Served Divorce proceedings can begin in many ways. In some cases, divorce is foreseen and is finally filed after a couple has separated for years. Another circumstance, though, is where divorce comes as a complete shock to the spouse who receives the...
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Child Custody and Unmarried Parents

Nowadays, it is more and more routine for unmarried couples to have children. But what occurs when those parents decide to separate? A normal divorce process does not go on like those with married couples. A family court, however, does adjudicate differences between unmarried parents, similar in procedure to those...
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If Both Parents Agree, Can Child Support Be Waived?

Who determines who owes child support? In each case of divorce, annulment or legal separation in Colorado, Colorado’s family law court decides. They determine if a parent owes child support to the other parent under Colorado’s child support laws. Child support is calculated on a number of things. The gross...
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What Are A Non-Custodial Parent’s Rights?

Are you a non-custodial parent? If you were divorced in Colorado and a Colorado court ordered your custody arrangement, you might find this state an excellent place to call home. Colorado emphasizes frequent, ongoing and meaningful contact between a child and both parents. Decision-Making Responsibility Colorado courts strongly favor divorced...
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What Can I Do If My Spouse is Hiding Assets?

Any United States couple going through divorce must reveal their finances. All their finances. This disclosure should be open, exhaustive and complete. Real estate holdings, investments, retirement accounts, family businesses, and other assets must be disclosed. Doing so may present a complex task, never-the-less, disclosure must be done. All too...
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Modifying A Parenting Plan

What is a parenting plan? It’s an arrangement that principally determines a child’s physical living arrangements after the parents’ divorce. It also details who cares for a child’s needs. This plan is put in place by a family court judge after child custody and divorce settlements are finished. However, parents...
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