
Could Social Media Hurt Your Divorce?

What’s the connection between social media and divorce proceedings? Social, it turns out, may do more harm than you think. On the positive side, Facebook status updates, Instagram posts and Twitter tweets permit us to easily and efficiently update friends and family on our everyday lives. The problem is that...
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Common Law Marriage and Divorce

There are two types of marriage: statutory and common law. Colorado is one of the few states that acknowledge common law marriages. The foundation of a common law marriage is the mutual agreement or consent of two parties to be husband and wife, and an open and mutual assumption of...
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Common Law Marriage and Divorce in Colorado

Two kinds of marriage exist: statutory and common law. Only a few states recognize common law marriages and Colorado is one of them. The underpinning of a common law marriage is the shared agreement or accord of two individuals to be husband and wife, and an open and mutual assumption...
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When Can Grandparents Be Awarded Custody of Their Grandchild?

When a couple’s marriage goes through dissolution, a great deal of energy is spent on the merits of parental visitation rights and custody. The grandparents, though, are often not thought of, as they are not automatically granted visitation rights nor do they gain their grandchildren’s custody. In certain circumstances, it...
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How to Serve Divorce Papers In Colorado on Your Spouse

Have you decided to proceed with a divorce? You’ll first need to file the proper court documents to begin your case. Once that’s done, the next thing in the dissolution process is serving your spouse a copy of the divorce papers. The steps involved in serving divorce papers are important...
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What Are A Fathers’ Rights in Colorado?

More and more today, a rapidly rising number of children live at least some of their childhood with only one parent. Recent data shows there are more than two million single fathers in the United States. Why should we be concerned? Fathers play a key and critical part in their...
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Should You Look For an Aggressive Child Custody Attorney?

Divorce and all it entails can be hard, wearing and emotionally painful for everyone involved but it can be even worse when child custody disputes arise. An already stressful experience becomes even more wrenching. What to do? Picking a child custody attorney is an exceptionally important task. This can’t be...
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