
What Differences Exist Between Adoption and Guardianship?

Adoption and guardianship have some elements in common and some differences. Both signify a legal relationship between an adult and a child, in which the adult has specified obligations and rights toward that child. Many people mix these terms up, mistakenly thinking adoption and guardianship mean the same thing. From...
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Can Visitation Rights Be Granted To Grandparents?

Grandparents in Colorado have limited rights to visit their grandchildren. Such as they are, these legal rights are a matter of state law and not those of the Federal government.In general, the law favors the proposition that a child should stay in touch with his or her extended family. Apart...
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When are Prenuptial Agreements Invalid?

A prenuptial agreement, known to many as a marital agreement or a prenup, is an optional legal contract signed before marriage. In it, a future couple decides how matters will be handled in case of a divorce. For many people that are considering marriage, prenuptial agreements can be an effective...
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Protecting Your Kids During a Divorce

Divorce effects kids in many negative ways. Reports show children and teenagers are both at risk. Low self-esteem, poor grades, poor peer relations, aggression, health problems, behavioral difficulties, and depression are just some of the problems kids face because of a divorce. While divorce is hard on children, it is...
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When Does Child Support Usually End in Colorado?

Child support normally ends in Colorado when a child reaches 19. That’s the age of emancipation in the state. Starting then, child support obligations are automatically extinguished without the the spouse making the payments needing to file a motion. Exceptions to this rule exist, as several circumstances can either lengthen...
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Who Gets Pet Custody in a Colorado Divorce?

Family pets present an unusual problem in the matter of a divorce. While their owners often treat them as family, the courts do not view them in the same light. Instead, these furry, feathered, or scaled friends, loved as they are, do not rise to the level of family member....
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Are There Any Advantages to Filing for Divorce First?

The ending of a marriage is not a winning or losing achievement for most people. For some spouses, though, who are convinced divorce is best for them, filing first for dissolution may be the best plan of action. Depending on the circumstances, there may be certain legal, emotional, and practical...
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Just How Long Does it Take to Get a Colorado Divorce?

Spouses are understandably interested in how long a divorce will take. It’s a common question. Just how long will the process go on? Many people think a dissolution will take a mere few weeks. Some think simply filing papers means they are legally single and free. The reality is that...
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