
Should I Leave the Marital Residence?

You’ll have to make many life changing choices when you go through a divorce. Among the many decisions you’ll consider is if you should move out of what the law considers the marital residence or home. This choice can may be emotionally wrenching and hard just to consider. Most probably,...
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How Can Fathers Win Child Custody in Colorado?

It is mistakenly thought that a father winning custody of his children in a divorce is an impossible thing. While it might seem the case, the reality is that when it comes to the law, in Colorado fathers have the same possibility of getting child custody as do mothers. If...
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Colorado Child Support Law for Disabled Children

Colorado state law is specific when it comes to child support. Let’s take a look at support in general and then how it relates to children with disabilities. In the state of Colorado, parents who have finalized their divorce must meet their child support responsibilities until the child is legally...
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Does An Affair Impact Child Custody in Colorado?

Colorado is a no-fault state which mean an affair does not significantly influence proceedings in a dissolution. This court does isn’t interested in why a marriage has fallen apart, only if the marriage is considered forever broken. Are you in a divorce resulting from adultery? If so, you may be...
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What Can and Cannot Be In Prenups (Pt. 3)

Here is the conclusion to our three-part blog series What Can and Cannot Be In Prenups. While the first two parts of this blog series focused on detailing some of the provisions that can be included in prenups, here we will point out some of the matters that can NOT...
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