
Colorado Parenting Time Guidelines

Colorado re-defined the use of terms like “custody” and “visitation” in the nineties, per §14-10-103, C.R.S, the Colorado General Assembly redefined these terms as follows: (3) On and after July 1, 1993, the term “visitation” has been changed to “parenting time”. It is not the intent of the general assembly...
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Colorado High Income Divorce – What Changes?

A divorce can be a highly emotional affair on its own, but when it involves a high-net-worth couple, the issues can make for a lengthy and complex battle.  With more assets to divide, the divorce is more likely to turn into a contested one, which means that it’ll take more...
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Colorado Divorce Process Without Kids – Step by Step

Divorcing with no kids involved is usually a less complex process compared to divorcing with kids. However, it’s essential for both parties to understand their rights under Colorado law and protect their interests to ensure they get their fair share of the marital property.  During this process, retaining competent legal...
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Spouse Hiding Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency in Colorado Divorce

Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that are stored entirely online. They use encryption techniques that allow transactions to be done anonymously, without a central bank or a government authority.  NASDAQ reports that an estimated 46 million Americans now own Bitcoin, the most well-established form of cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency values have also been...
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Can I Keep My Health Insurance After Divorce in Colorado?

After a divorce, some people may be wondering if their health insurance will be canceled, especially if they’re a beneficiary of their ex-spouse’s healthcare policy. In Colorado and all other states across the country, an employer will no longer cover the ex-spouse of their employee after the divorce proceedings have...
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Filling Out a Sworn Financial Statement in a Colorado Divorce

When couples divorce, their financial lives should be transparent both to each other and to the court. Under the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure, both parties are required to provide a sworn financial statement within 42 days after receiving notice of a petition for dissolution.  A sworn financial statement lists...
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How Much Does Divorce Mediation Cost in Colorado?

Couples going through a divorce often have difficulties agreeing on issues like alimony and child custody. Such problems can make an already stressful situation even more expensive and lengthy. In certain cases, it might be more beneficial for a couple seeking divorce to seek the assistance of a divorce mediator....
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