
Unmarried Fathers Custody Rights Colorado

When a child is born in Colorado to unwed parents, the mother is given sole legal and physical custody. The unmarried father has no custody or visitation rights. The birth of the child does not automatically grant a legitimate parent-child relationship. This holds true even if the couple is cohabiting...
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Tips For Divorcing A Narcissist In Colorado

A spouse with a narcissistic personality can make it much more troublesome to get a divorce in Colorado. You must learn how to deal with them and how to approach the process so that you come out with your financial and emotional health intact. If you are looking into divorce...
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Colorado Infant Custody Laws

When you go through a divorce, you go through a mentally and emotionally painful process that involves dividing your assets, properties, and tearing down the life you and your spouse have built together. None of these matter, however, more than the custody of your child. Understanding the law and your...
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Colorado Divorce – Who Gets The House?

The marital home may be a married couple’s most valuable possession. It creates a powerful emotional bond especially if it is the same house they’ve had when they got married or purchased after the wedding. In the event of a divorce, the most difficult decision to make is who keeps...
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Denver High Net Worth Divorce Lawyer

When married couples break up, many issues tend to come to light – from property division to custody of the children. Divorcing couples with high net worth can add even more complications and challenges to their case. In general, the term “high net worth” refers to a person whose property...
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Can You Refuse A Divorce In Colorado?

Can a spouse simply refuse to go through a divorce in Colorado? The short answer is no. Once the other spouse has filed the divorce petition, the case is opened, and ultimately, the unwilling spouse’s participation is not necessary to finalize the divorce. In many divorces, one spouse wants to...
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Does It Matter Who Files For Divorce First In Colorado?

In a legal sense, it doesn’t matter whether you or your spouse files for divorce first. This doesn’t have a bearing on family disputes and judges don’t include it as a factor in their decisions. Initiating the divorce first, however, can offer some personal advantages that may ultimately sway the...
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How Do I Give Up My Parental Rights in Colorado?

Parental rights are defined by law as the rights and responsibilities of a parent to make major decisions regarding health care, education, spiritual development, quality of life, and other essential matters in a child’s life. Parents should make these decisions with the child’s best interest in mind. Unless otherwise limited...
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How To File For Child Custody In Colorado

Filing for child custody in CO is a process you can either attempt to do yourself or do under the help and guidance of a child custody lawyer. Which option you choose will depend on multiple factors such as the complexity of your case, how contentious things are between you...
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