
What Are the Steps to Getting a Divorce in Colorado?

You and your spouse have decided to end your marriage. Friends and relatives come forward to discuss their divorce experiences. But what about you and your spouse?  What are the steps in getting a Colorado divorce? Filing a petition Serving the documents Disclosures Settlement hearings Temporary orders hearings Final orders...
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QDRO in a Colorado Divorce

QDRO stands for Qualified Domestic Relations Order. This court issued order requires a pension plan administrator to give a specific amount of an employee’s pension to his or her former spouse after a divorce settlement. Before discussing details, let’s set some background. In most cases, the most important assets in...
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Prenup For Cohabitation: An Agreement For Living Together

We often hear of prenuptial agreements or premarital agreements that couples enter into before they get married. There is a version of this that applies to couples who are not marrying but are romantically living together. It is called a cohabitation agreement, and it has been increasingly popular in recent...
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What To Do When Accused Of A White Collar Crime In Colorado

White collar crimes are non-violent offenses revolving around finances, businesses, or corporate activities. Examples are tax evasion, fraud, embezzlement, forgery, and blackmail. In Colorado, the consequences of such a criminal conviction can quickly escalate, involving as much as $1 million in fines and 24 years of imprisonment. A white collar...
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Does Alimony End When You Remarry In Colorado?

Do alimony payments stop when the receiving ex-spouse gets remarried? In Colorado, the answer depends on the type of spousal support being paid. Types Of Alimony, And How Remarriage Affects Them We usually hear of spousal maintenance being paid on a regular basis (monthly or biweekly). This periodic alimony is...
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What Are My Rights When Charged With A DUI/DWAI In Colorado?

Colorado has strict laws and penalties for intoxicated driving. Driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while ability impaired (DWAI) are misdemeanors punishable by license suspension, fines, jail time, and a criminal record. If you are facing a DUI charge in our state, you will certainly need to be aware...
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