
Can Police Enforce a Custody Order in Colorado?

Police enforcement of a custody order often depends on an individual officer’s discretion. That assistance may not be forthcoming. Law enforcement involvement should be requested as a last resort. Before considering this final and uncertain option, let’s examine the background behind a child custody order and the steps needed to...
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Is Reintegration Therapy Right For My Child?

Whether before, during, or after a divorce, a parent may lose contact with their child for a variety of reasons. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the parent can no longer reconnect with his or her little one. Reunification between parent and child can happen naturally, or it may be aided...
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LGBT Adoption Laws In Colorado

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people have more legal rights today, especially when it comes to family law. In Colorado, LGBT individuals and couples can seek to adopt a child the same way that traditional parents can. However, the legal landscape may still be susceptible to change when it...
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What Happens At An Initial Status Conference?

The initial status conference (ISC) is the very first court date in a family law case, whether it’s divorce, child custody, order modification, or the like. Though it isn’t a hearing, this meeting is mandated by law, and all parties and their lawyers must attend it. What happens at this...
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Child Custody When One Parent Is A Non-US Citizen

Does citizenship or immigration status affect a parent’s chances of obtaining custody of their child? This is a question you may be asking if you or your spouse is a non-US citizen residing in Colorado, and you are legally separating. The short answer is no – being an immigrant or...
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